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Beaver River Watershed Alliance (Lakeland Industry and Community Association [LICA] Envronmental Stewards)

In response to the expansion of oil and gas production in the region, the Lakeland Industry and Community Association (LICA) was formed in October 2000. LICA, a community-based not-for-profit association registered under the Alberta Societies Act, has evolved to become a Synergy Group, Watershed Planning and Advisory Council (WPAC) for the Beaver River Watershed and Airshed Zone with a focus on environmental monitoring, environmental management, and community education and outreach. LICA will continue to facilitate all stakeholders’ voices when addressing issues concerning the environment in our region. Our members work with reciprocal respect to support a healthy and sustainable environment.


A cornerstone initiative of the BRWA is the 2013 State of the Beaver River Watershed Summary Report. This report uses watershed health indicators to assess how current and historical conditions across the Beaver River watershed match up against ideal conditions.

5107W-50th Street, Bonnyville, AB


PO Box 8237
Bonnyville, AB
T9N 2J5


PHONE Telephone: (780) 812-2182

Toll Free 1-877-737-2182

Fax: (780) 812-2186


 Twitter  @infoLICA





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