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Conference (2013): Better Environmental Management Through Monitoring (ABMI Forum)

On October 23, 2013 the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute hosted a forum in Edmonton called Better Environmental Management Through Monitoring.

In order to share the range of information presented at the forum, ABMI has produced a series of videos of presentations.  These videos are:

  1. Introduction to ABMI - Kirk Andries, ABMI
  2. The Future of Biodiversity in Alberta: Regional Planning and the ABMI - Jim Herbers, ABMI
  3. Introduction to the Four Current ABMI Application Centre Projects - Dr. Dan Farr, ABMI
  4. Alberta's Natural Subregions Under a Changing Climate: Past, Present & Future - Dr. Rick Schneider, ABMI
  5. Forecasting the Future of Alberta's Birds - Dr. Erin Bayne, UofA
  6. Monitoring Ecological Recovery of Reclaimed Wellsites in Alberta - Dr. Anne McIntosh, ABMI
  7. Selecting Indicators for Monitoring Reclamation Success From a Soils Perspective - Bonnie Drozdowski, AITF
  8. Challenges to Monitoring Recovery of Woodland Caribou in Alberta - Dr. Rob Serrouya, ABMI
  9. Regional Sampling & Monitoring of Rare Plants in the Lower Athabasca - Dr. Scott Nielsen, UofA
  10. Assessing the Provisioning of Water Purification in Alberta - Mike Kennedy, Green Analytics Corp
  11. Economic and Ecological Outcomes of Flexible Biodiversity Offset Systems - Tom Habib, ABMI

Find the videos here.