13 Results in Public Health
Video - That's Not Waste: It's Food!
Cultivating Connections: Alberta Regional Food Systems Forum
February 5, 2017
Video - Implementation of Edmonton's River for Life Strategy
Video of Ross Bulat and Xiangfei Li's presentation at the April 6, 2017 North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA) Water Quality Forum in Sherwood Park, Alberta.
Health Impact Assessment Part 1
Part one of a two part lunch and learn session hosted by APPI in Calgary, May 2016.
AIA 2015: Health & Food: Is There A Future?
Proceedings from the 2015 Alberta Institute of Agrologists conference
Consumers, food policy and health: Economic perspective
Presentation from the 2015 Alberta Institute of Agrologists conference
Food environment, health, and chronic disease
Green paper from the 2015 AIA annual conference
What's out there making us sick?
Presentation from the 2015 conference of the Alberta Institute of Agrologists
Food Environment, Health, and Chronic Disease
Presentation of the Green Paper prepared for the 2015 Alberta Institute of Agrologists confernece
How cities are leading the way on food, health, Pt 2
Part 2 of a presentation from the 2015 Alberta Institute of Agrologists Conference
Our Food System & Chronic Disease: Cause or Cure?
Presentation from 2015 Alberta Institute of Agrologists conference
Using health claims in product promotions
Presentation fro 2015 conference from the Alberta Institute of Agrologists