Land Use 2018 will bring together policy makers and researchers from Alberta and around the world to explore the themes of Land, Water & Society - how each category is interdependent on one another from a socioeconomic and environmental perspective, and why it's critical to develop proper policies and governance.
To register for Land Use 2018, click here!
Human civilization is built upon the land. Even in this digital age, many aspects of our well-being and prosperity are heavily dependent on our relationship with the land, and the many amenities and opportunities afforded by good land stewardship. The growth of our civilization, however, has led to new stresses being applied to our landscapes. Some regions continue to see their best agricultural lands converted to other uses, while others are witnessing a significant degradation of soil quality.
In this session, we will examine humanity’s relationship with the land, both globally and here in Alberta. As our province continues to develop regional land use plans, we will consider challenges and opportunities, and the importance of land use policy.
Water is humanity’s most vital fuel. In Canada, a history of near-universal water availability has led many to take its presence for granted, but as our climate changes and population growth places increasing demands on our supply, we have become increasingly aware of our relationship with this resource. As we continue to make productive use of our land, water is an essential part of the process, and Alberta has acknowledged this with land use and watershed planning in recent years.
This session will explore Alberta’s water policies in relation to land use, and explore the critical linkages between land and water policies both within our province, and around the world.
How we think and feel about our land and water fundamentally shapes the policies created by our governments to manage them. Many stewardship policies built upon strong scientific foundations are defeated because they are inconsistent with widely-held attitudes and values, even if those perspective are not based in fact. Understanding how society’s feelings and opinions on land use and water issues influence the policy environment, and guide government actions, is vital to effectively influencing policies that can positively impact our landscape for years to come.
In this session, we will explore how public sentiments have influenced land and water management policies in Alberta and around the world –– and how opinions can successfully be informed and altered through education and advocacy by academia, stakeholder groups, and governments themselves.