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Land Stewardship Centre: Grant Writing Workshop

Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 9:00am
Royal Mayfair Golf Club, 9450 Groat Road, Edmonton
free, but you must pre-register

Grant Writing for your Community Stewardship Group

Join the Land Stewardship Centre's Stewards in Motion: Grant Writing Workshop to learn from a variety of experts how to boost your grant writing and fund development efforts for your community stewardship group.


9:00- 9: 15 AM – Registration

9:15- 9:30 AM - Welcome and opening remarks

9:30- 10:30 AM- Jenna Curtis, Alberta Environment and Parks: Insight for a strong grant proposal to Alberta Environment and Parks

10:30- 10: 45 AM - Networking and coffee break

10:45-11:45 AM - Graeme Dearden, Volunteer Alberta: Harnessing volunteer power in grant applications and community-based efforts

11: 45- 12: 30 PM - Lunch

12:30- 1:00 PM - Leah Kongsrude, North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance: Working collaboratively with stewardship groups in funding applications

1:00- 1:30 PM - Alexandra Frederickson, Land Stewardship Centre: The Watershed Stewardship Grant

1:30- 1: 45- PM - Networking and coffee break

1:45- 2:30 PM - Simon Irving, Alberta Ecotrust: Maintaining Funder Relationships

2:30- 2:45 PM - Closing remarks + wrap-up