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Vision Zero Edmonton: 10th Annual International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety

Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 5:00pm to Thursday, July 12, 2018 - 11:45am
Shaw Conference Centre, 9797 Jasper Ave, Edmonton
Conference & Workshop: $550 Post Conference Workshop Only: $195 Student Rate (conference & workshop) $250
For inquiries about the 2018 conference, please contact: Shewkar E. Ibrahim Email: Telephone: +1-780-495-0368

Just as all road users feel the impact of traffic safety, the responsibility to promote traffic safety is shared by many disciplines. This multidisciplinary approach is more evident now than it ever was before. When jurisdictions and agencies refer to Vision Zero Action Plans and Road Safety Strategies, their underlying theme revolves around collaborating with all partners whether they are engineers, enforcement officers, medical professionals, planners, political leaders, or public health representatives. 

Check out the program and register.