The Ontario Rural Wastewater Center is dedicated to promoting the effective use of wastewater treatment technologies for environmentally sustainable rural development.
The National Environmental Services Centre is a US agency dedicated to providing information to small communities or subdivisions on the best way to deal with wastewater and sewage issues.
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation has been involved in research and demonstation projects about onsite wastewater management for over 10 years.
This is adapted from a presentation by Bill Irvine, Fossil Water, Calgary, at the June 8 workshop on Wicked Problems in Natural Resources and Land-use.
Each speaker on the panel for the session on Rural Subdivision Wastewater Treatment as a Wicked Problem was asked to address:
Alf Durnie, Administrator, Private Sewage Systems, Alberta Municipal Affairs summarizes what we know, what we don't know and what we need for better decisions on rural subdivision wastewater treatment. Mr. Durnie has worked the Alberta Association of Municipal Distrcts and Counties in developing training courses integrating subdivision planning and sewage treatment selection.
This is adapted from a presentation by David Hill, Executive Director, Water Resources, Alberta Innovates, Energy and Environmental Solutions at the June 8 workshop on Wicked Problems in Natural Resources and Land-use.
On June 8, 2011, the Alberta Land-use Knowledge Network held a workshop on Wicked Problems in Natural Resources and Land-use.
One of the sessions was Rural Subdivision Wastewater Treatment as a Wicked Problem. The session panelists were: