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Second natures: Future landuses for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area

At the 2013 Tailings and Mine Waste Conference Kelly Doran, an architect from Mass Design Group, delivered a presentation with a new way to look at mine reclamation. He suggested that the goal should be to look at a long-term vision for the people who live in the oilsands area, and create the landscape they will need.

Watch the video of the presentation.


In the same vein, Rosa An and Julian McGreevy, both geological engineers with BGC Engineering Inc., Vancouver, B.C., made presentations on mine closure planning and the regional aspects of closing large mines. They too present new ideas on reclamation and mine closure planning that are applicable to the Alberta oilsands. You can access the PowerPoint presentations through the links below:

Rosa An's presentation - "Towards effective closure planning: From progressive reclamation to sustainable mining"

Julian McGreevy's presentation - "Regional mine closure plans: The next improvement in planning"