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Land Stewardship Centre (LSC): The Stewardship Toolbox

Starting a community stewardship group can be a daunting task. There are so many things you need to think about; so many things you need to do. Where do you start? There are so many resources out there; so much good advice. You’re a volunteer who is passionate about a cause. How do you make sense of it all?

While there is a lot more detail you’ll need to consider once you get underway, sometimes keeping it simple is the best approach to getting things off the ground. The Stewardship Toolbox offers 10 steps to help you plan, organize and sustain your community stewardship group.

Already have your stewardship group up and running? This guide can also help if you’re looking to refocus on your vision, reorganize your group’s activities or reinvigorate your membership.

Download the Stewardship Toolbox.

Print copies are also available through the Land Stewardship Centre online store.

If you have any questions, please contact Land Stewardship Centre at