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Video - Evaluation of nutrient and irrigation management BMPs in Southern Alberta. Presentation by Janna Casson

Janna Casson is a Soil and Water Quality Specialist for Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Her presentation is about an evaluation of nutrient and irrigation management Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) in Southern Alberta. Since overland runoff is one of the main ways agricultural nutrients enter waterways, and too many nutrients in water bodies cause problems such as algae blooms, they developed, tested and demonstrated BMPs in Alberta in a study from 1999-2006.

Casson explains the BMP study design and monitoring that occurred, as well as the types of BMP sites and BMPs implemented. She discusses the changes in soils and impact in surface water management between the pre and post BMP actions in Southern Alberta. This presentation was a part of the Alberta Soil Science Workshop, February 2015.