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Alberta Municipal Government Act (2019)

Government of Alberta (2000/2019). Municipal government act: Revised statues of Alberta 2000, current as of February 1, 2019. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Queen’s Printer.

Alberta is made up of cities, towns, villages, hamlets, summer villages, municipal districts and specialized municipalities, all of which are considered municipalities under the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The MGA touches the daily lives of all Albertans, no matter which type of municipality they reside in. This legislation helps to define how our municipalities function, develop land, raise funds for things like services, and more. In other words, it is the guide to how Alberta municipalities operate.

The MGA has three themes:

1.      Planning and development: how do we build and grow?

  • Land use planning
  • Planning decisions and appeals
  • Environmental considerations

2.      Governance and administration: how are local decisions made?

  • The role of municipal councils
  • The role of municipal administration
  • Taxation exemptions

3.      Assessment and taxation: how do we pay for services delivered?

  • Property assessments
  • Property taxes, fees and levies
  • Taxation exemptions

Municipal Government Act: Consultation Workbook