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Frequency of Fire, Jasper National Park

The Canadian Land Reclamation Association, Alberta Chapter,  had a Fall Tour, Sept. 28, 29 2011, that included a talk to the tour group by Alan Westhaver, Fire/Vegetation Specialist, Parks Canada.

Alan Westhaver described the frequency and history of fire in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

In contrast to the seventy years of fire suppression since Jasper National Park was created, Alan says fires were frequent in the previous 500 years. Each year sizable areas burned and lightning was not the usual cause.

Guess who!.

For a revealing talk that puts fire, human use of fire and the current dilemma of old growth forest east of the Continental Divide  in context, Alan Westhaver's talk will make you look at Jasper National Park in a totally new light.

Supplemented with photos from Parks Canada, the Alberta Land-use Knowledge Network is pleased to present Alan Westhaver on "The Frequency of Fire, Jasper National Park".