Good Policy for Good Food: A Toolbox of Local Authority Food Policy Levers
Policy change, and the development and implementation of strategies and plans to achieve it, is fundamental to building sustainable local food systems and is a core pillar of the Sustainable Food Cities (SFC) approach. Local authorities have a wide range of policy levers at their disposal that can be used to drive positive social, economic and environmental change related to food and to embed that change for the long term. Policy is, however, an area that many local food partnerships struggle with as they often lack the time, resources, expertise and/or will to navigate what tends to be a complex and cumbersome policy-making process.
This guide provides a toolbox of potential food policy levers, along with clear practical examples of where these have been successfully used. We hope it will help SFC Network members to engage more effectively with local policy-making and to reap the full benefits that doing so can bring.