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Land Use Planning Topics: Land Tools Compendium-Transit (scholarly references)

Land Use Planning Topics

Land Tools Compendium: Transit

References that have links are freely available on the internet.


Alberta Environment and Parks (2014). Efficient Use of Land: Implementation Tools Compendium. Government of Alberta.

Created in 2014 by the Government of Alberta, this compendium outlines tools and practices to implement strategies for the efficient use of land. The strategies are targeted to planners, landowners and developers, public land managers, and public service providers – anyone involved in land use decision making. Some of the strategies have been tested and applied within Alberta and other strategies are adapted from planning practices around the world.

Council of Canadian Academies (2017).  Older Canadians on the Move. Ottawa (ON): The Expert Panel on the Transportation Needs of an Aging Population

Recognizing the importance of ensuring the Canadian transportation system meets the needs of older adults, the Minister of Transport asked the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) to provide an evidence-informed and authoritative assessment on the state of knowledge on the role of technology and innovation in improving the accessibility of the federal transportation system for older adults. The CCA assembled a panel of experts to develop Older Canadians on the Move, a comprehensive, high-quality, expert panel study that examines all modes of transportation.