Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Regional Plans
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
South Saskatchewan Region ranges from the Rocky Mountains to the west, the Canada-U.S. border to the south, the Alberta-Saskatchewan border to the east and north to the tip of the Municipal District of Bighorn. It is about 8,377,421 hectares, covering approximately 12.6 per cent of Alberta’s total land area and home to 44 per cent of Alberta’s population many of which live in the province’s largest city, Calgary.
Resources and Links
The Regional PlanStatus: Regional Plan Approved |
The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan: 2014-2024 (2017) was amended based on Cabinet’s approval of Orders-in-Council to establish the Castle Provincial Park and expand the Castle Wildland Provincial Park on January 20, 2017. It became effective on February 16, 2017. |
The Land-Use Secretariat |
Alberta Land Stewardship Act (2009) The legal basis for the development of regional plans under the Land-use Framework. In 2011, amendments to ALSA provided greater clarity. Alberta Land Stewardship Regulation Provides clear rules for Albertans concerning the implementation of regional plans under the Land-use Framework. Provides a blueprint for land-use management and decision-making that addresses Alberta’s growth pressures. Land-use Framework: Understanding Land-use in Alberta (2007) The way in which land is used, the land-use issues, and the choices required to best manage and sustain land for Alberta's future. |
LUS Supporting Documents |
Land Use Secretariat Advisory Interpretation Bulletin (2017): Compliance with the Amended South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Land Use Secretariat Advisory Interpretation Bulletin (2017): Interpretation of the SSRP Pertaining to the Pekisko Heritage Rangeland What we Heard: Consultation to Enhance Protection of the Castle Area in the South Saskatchewan Region (Summary) (2016) What we Heard: Consultation to Enhance Protection of the Castle Area in the South Saskatchewan Region (2016) |
Phase 3 |
Feedback on the Government of Alberta's draft regional plan for South Saskatchewan Region (completed November - February, 2014) Phase 3 Public Consultation Summary: Draft South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2014) Phase 3 Stakeholder Consultation Summary: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2014) Phase 3 Public Workbook Summary: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2014) |
Phase 2 |
Feedback on the advice from the South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council (completed: November - December 2012) Phase 2 Public Consultation Summary: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2013) Phase 2 Stakeholder Consultation Summary: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2013) Phase 2 Public Workbook Summary: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2013) |
Advice to the Government of Alberta for the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2011) The South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council recommends that a regional plan for southern Alberta should focus on water supply, economic development and conservation needs. |
Phase 1 |
Public information and input sessions on the South Saskatchewan region and awareness (completed: November - January 2010) Phase 1 Summary of Public Input: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2010) Phase 1Summary of Stakeholder Input: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2010) Phase 1 Public Workbook Results: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (2010) |
Meeting Agendas and Notes |
South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council Agendas and Notes (June 2009 to November 2010) Scroll down to bottom of page to find links for the meeting agendas and notes from this RAC. |
Regional Advisory Council |
South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council Roles and Responsibilities (2010) Outlines the purpose, philosophy and guiding principles, roles and responsibilities, code of conduct, operating protocols and more to facilitate development of strategic advice and recommendations to the Government of Alberta. South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council Members (2010) The 19-member advisory council held 13 meetings across the region, from Calgary to Medicine Hat to Strathmore. A member from Treaty 7 was named on Sept. 28, 2010. All RAC members are connected to and have broad experience and knowledge of the region. |
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan: Profile for the Land-use Framework Report (2009) The profile provides an overview of key social, economic and environmental factors in the region that need to be considered in developing a regional plan. The report outlines major land uses currently underway, highlights important trends and identifies additional or changing human activities that can be expected in the region. |
Terms of Reference |
Terms of Reference for Developing the South Saskatchewan Region (2009) Government-supplied terms of reference asked the Regional Advisory Council to explore the relationship between population growth, water supply, economic growth and land conservation. |