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Video - Working Towards Successful Outcomes on Post Beetle Landscapes Within Alberta. Presentation by Brooks Horne

Brooks Horne, senior forester for Forest Rehabilitation at Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD), discusses the forest recovery process that occurs after damage from mountain pine beetle (MPB). Even though forests will naturally recover from MPB over the course of twenty five years or more, this may not be fast enough to preserve critical ecosystem services. The ESRD MPB Rehabilitation program has created the overarching objective of continued production of ecosystem goods and services in pine dominated stands heavily impacted by MPB.

Currently there are four priority types of baseline information that need to be attained, including answering the question: how many dead trees are there, and where are they? Horne explains specific objectives, to accomplish the overarching objective, will be created after the baseline information is acquired.

This presentation was a part of the Mountain Pine Beetle Information Exchange Forum in April, 2015.