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Water and Hydraulic Fracturing Report 2015

The rapid rise in the development of unconventional oil and shale gas reserves over the last decade has been accompanied by a similar explosion in levels of discussion and debate on the topic. Central to the vast majority of conversations about hydraulic fracturing is the issue of water — its use, its management and protection and its ecological and socio-economic importance.

The 2015 Water and Hydraulic Fracturing Report takes a high-level look at where the knowledge base is relative to the key questions being asked. The report highlights the critical work done to assess:

  • the state of the knowledge relative to decision-making
  • where its lack is most impacting progress, and
  • the capacity to advance knowledge priorities to support decisions

The report summarizes what we know now, what we most need to know, and what is obtainable through targeted research.

Download the report.