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Video - How to Use New Media to Tell Your Story. Presentation by Jerome Martin

Dr. Jerome Martin started in animal nutrition and traveled to teaching communications. He now runs Spotted Cow Press Ltd., an innovative publishing company in Edmonton, Alberta.

Jerome Martin has some fundamentals about communications that sets the foundation on how to use new media. "We communicate by working with people and learning with people". It is not about sending them information and getting them to buy what you are selling. Business is made of stories. People don't buy a product; they buy the story attached to the product.

Jerome Martin reviews the new media tools available to share what you are learning with your target audience. E-books are part of Martin's repertoire and he provides some examples. The story of you or your company has a script. Stories that work are the key. He gives examples. His blog at provides more links and information to this presentation.

Dr. Martin's presentation was part of the 2016 AIA Conference, April 19-21 in Banff Alberta.
