Land Use Planning Topics
Conservation: Wetlands
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Foote, L., & Krogman, N. (2006). Wetlands in Canada's western boreal forest: Agents of change. The Forestry Chronicle, 82(6), 825-833.
Wetlands of the western boreal forest are poorly studied. In the last decade (1990–2000) there were approximately 1810 northern hemisphere scientific papers published addressing boreal wetlands, tundra, taiga, or bogs. We explore the extent of understanding and impacts of six major agents of change affecting forested wetlands of the boreal zone: (1) commercial forestry, (2) petroleum extraction, (3) mining (bitumen, coal, peat, ore, and diamonds), (4) agriculture, (5) climate change, and (6) hydrologic alteration. Finally, we address the social context, costs, and recommendations for wetland maintenance. Key words: western boreal forest, wetlands, loss factors, forestry, conversion, wetland retention, wetland values
Rubec, C. D., & Hanson, A. R. (2009). Wetland mitigation and compensation: Canadian experience. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 17(1), 3-14.
Since Canada's accession to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1981, the nation's commitment to wetland conservation and management has increased significantly. This includes the adoption of one of the World's first national wetland conservation policies by the Government of Canada, and the adoption of complementary policy and legislative initiatives by most of the 13 provincial and territorial jurisdictions. Numerous habitat 'no net loss' and environmental assessment policies, regulations and guidelines for incorporating mitigation processes into development decisions affecting wetland resources are used throughout Canada. The governments of Canada and six provinces have so far adopted wetland mitigation measures. These are in addition to comprehensive wetland fish and wildlife habitat initiatives, such as the species and habitat joint ventures delivered in Canada through the North American Waterfowl Management Plan by all jurisdictions and numerous non-government partners. This paper examines the current policies, regulations and programs, as well as past implementation experience with wetland mitigation and compensation in Canada.