Urban agriculture a growing Edmonton business Edmonton business growing vegetables on vacant urban lots has started May. 9, 2014Article
Status changed for Mountain Caribou in US Mountain Caribou have been labelled as Threatened rather than endangered in Idaho. May. 9, 2014Article
Hydraulic fracturing & water effects not clear Report from Environment Canada indicates there is little long-term information about how hydraulic fracturing impacts water May. 1, 2014Article
Turning mine waste into building products UBC researcher looks for ways to turn tailings to produce building products. Apr. 29, 2014Article
UofS to lead $2-M study of Woodland Caribou in SK University of Saskatchewan to do a study of caribou populations in that province Apr. 25, 2014Article
Overview of AB's Wet Areas Mapping Datasets Lecture by Jae Ogilvie about wet areas mapping in Alberta Apr. 25, 2014Insight
Alberta's budget to protect grizzly bears gets boost Funding for AESRD grizzly bear recovery has been increased Apr. 25, 2014Article
Investing in forest management reduces fire cost: study US study shows that investing in preventative measures reduces costs of large wildfires Apr. 11, 2014Article
Prairie Urban Farm starts on UofA South Campus This year the Universtiy of Alberta's south campus will feature a Campus Community Garden, where people can help with gardening and growing food. Apr. 9, 2014Article
Alberta changes water level monitoring ESRD is working on new flood forecasting systems after last year's floods. Apr. 8, 2014Article
Climate change may put focus on prairie ag for food Green Paper from AIA conference indicates that climate change will force more food production north to Canada from the US Apr. 7, 2014Article
New simulation tool for firefighter training Blog post from AESRD about training tool used at the Hinton Training Centre Apr. 4, 2014Article