Conference (2017): RDRWA Spring Forum - Re-Imagining Municipal Water in the 21st Century Re-Imagining Municipal Water in the 21st Century Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Spring Forum February 24, 2017 Riparian Ecosystemevent proceedings
MPB and Forest Watersheds Video of presentation from the 2016 fRI Research Mountain Pine Beetle Ecology Program Research Forum and Field Tour. Riparian EcosystemVideos
Perspectives over time for Alberta's fish populations Presentation from the fall 2015 Foothills Restoration Forum Riparian EcosystemVideos
Riparian health assessment of Wabamun Lake Report from the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance on results from drone-based survey of Wabamun Lake Riparian EcosystemReports
Wetland restoration project: social & economic factors Project from University of Alberta researchers about social and economic impacts of wetland restoration projects Riparian EcosystemArticle
Controversial logging project near Crowsnest goes ahead Research project to look at harvesting practices has approval from province Riparian EcosystemArticle
Riparian area mapping and modelling Presentation from the 2014 CWRA-Alberta conference Riparian EcosystemVideos
Riparian Land Conservation and Management Report from the Alberta Water Council Riparian EcosystemReports
Riparian processes: fRI Water Program workshop 2013 Summary of the presentations given at the 2013 workshop for the fRI Water Program. Riparian EcosystemPresentation Slides, Meeting Agenda and Proceedings, Videos
Introduction to riparian function & processes, video. Presentation from the 2013 fRI Water Program workshop regarding riparian areas. Riparian EcosystemVideos
Can wet areas mapping data contribute to riparian mgmt? Presentation from 2013 fRI Water Program workshop regarding using wet areas mapping for riparian management. Riparian EcosystemVideos
Riparian management in Alberta's forests - video Video from the fRI Water Program workshop, looking at the state of riparian areas in Alberta's forests Riparian EcosystemVideos