Edmonton air pollution must be reduced: report Report from ESRD indicates that pollution levels in Edmonton have exceeded acceptable limits Air QualityArticle
Study shows no lead pollution in the oil sands region Study from researchers at University of Alberta show no atmospheric lead pollution in Alberta's oilsands Air QualityArticle
Alberta's Airshed Zones Listing of the airshed zones in Alberta, and the groups who support them. Air QualityResource Lists and Compendiums
Alberta not meeting its own emissions targets Province of Alberta will not meet emissions targets set by the government. Air QualityArticle
Emissions of harmful pollutants fell in 2011 Data shows that pollutant levels were down in 2011 over 2010. Air QualityArticle
Airborne contamination linked to oilsands development Study of airborne particles links them directly to different aspects of oilsands development. Air QualityArticle
New federal-provincial air quality deal Federal and provincial environment ministers have agreed to a new national air quality agreement. Air QualityArticle
Convective losses from storage tanks presentation on air quality around retail gas station storage tanks from the PTAC forum 2012. Air QualityVideos
Trace Air Contaminants Study Presentation from the PTAC Air Issues forum, related to combustion sources for contaminants. Air QualityVideos
Petroleum air issues R&D opportunities video Presentation on the relationship between regulatory system and research for air quality issues in petroleum industry. Air QualityVideos
Air Issues Panel: What companies should do - Video Panel from PTAC Air Issues forum about what companies should do regarding current air quality issues. Air QualityVideos
Monitoring air emissions from heated heavy oil tanks Presentation about air quality monitoring for PTAC forum. Air QualityVideos